My Bulimia

Reasons To Get Help With Your Bulimia!

  1. Are you tired and disgusted with binging and purging?
  2. Do you want to feel better about yourself and be bulimia free?
  3. Do you want to be able to cope more positively with stressful events or activities?
  4. Do you want to enjoy a better “look” and learn how a good meal plan can assist you?
  5. Do you want to develop a better relationship with someone?

There are many reasons to seek help when you wish to free yourself of a bulimic lifestyle. If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you have taken the first step to improving the quality of your life, developing better relationships with others and most importantly developing a feeling of self-assurance and confidence.
Encourage Yourself

Congratulations! You can do it! It is never easy to stop binging and purging. Bad bulimic habits are easy to acquire but much more difficult to shed. Remind yourself of the reasons you want to stop binging and purging. Write down exactly what it is that you want to change. Use the “KISS” principle. Keep it straight forward and simple! You are not writing a novel. Write down your goal in 10 words or less – ok, you can go to 15 if you must.

I will _________________ (fill in the blank).

Write it several times and put copies where you can be reminded of your goal to be bulimia free. Place a copy in the bathroom where you can view your bulimia goal the first thing every day. Place a copy in the kitchen where you can see it when you eat. The refrigerator door is a great spot to place a reminder. Fold up a copy and put it in your coat pocket. Some people select a small trinket that they carry with them to remind them of their goal. A small rock painted with fingernail polish, a small pendant or anything that can be placed in a pocket or purse as a reminder of the goal. Once you have recorded your goal in writing, the reminder item will serve to do what it is intended to do – remind you how you want to be free from bulimia!

What you have done is set a goal. The next step in to select the time frame for the accomplishment of that goal. Remember “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and no one can change overnight. Select a time frame that is achievable. You don’t want to be defeated by setting a time frame that is unrealistic.

Be joyful when you achieve success! Each day of success prepares you for the next successful day. Imagine that you are constructing a home. Remember your physical body as well as your emotions, perceptions, sense of well-being and sense of satisfaction is your home. Anyway, imagine that you are building a foundation of success one brick at a time. In the morning you pick up your brick and at the conclusion of the day you place the brick of success on your foundation. In a relatively short time you will have constructed a fortress!

Sometimes it is possible to lose the brick. Don’t despair; don’t give up! Prepare yourself for next day of building. Can you carry an extra brick? If so, do it. If not, just carry one.

You Can Do It!

Hope, desire and the strength to change yourself is within you. You already recognized that a change was necessary and you wrote what it is that you want to change. You carry it with you – in your mind as well as in your pocket.

Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, said “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Edison failed 1000 times before he was able to perfect the light bulb. Would we be living in the dark if Edison had given up one attempt before he achieved success?

Be like Edison. Know you can be bulimia free. Never quit! Never give up! You have the power to beat bulimia!

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