Announcement: Bulimia Victim?

Are You A Victim Of Bulimia And Want To Learn How To Cope With The Stresses Of Life?

Is bulimia stressful for you, if so, how do you cope? Do you want to experience being bulimia free? Do you want to abandon binging and purging?

Life’s little ups and downs can be a test for the toughest among us! If you are a victim of bulimia, it is more of a challenge. Bulimia and binging is often brought on by stress. However, thousands have conquered bulimia and experienced being bulimia free. You can be bulimia free too!

Stress is a fact of life for everyone. It applies to those with bulimia and those without. It prepares your mind and body for what ever you are about to encounter. Adrenalin produced in the right amount can help you perform better during interviews or exams, when speaking, in public, being creative, finishing a project or dealing with a difficult person. It helps to push you beyond your comfort zone and enables you to achieve greater success. You can be successful in conquering bulimia and experience being bulimia free if you learn to deal more effectively with stress.

Look Below to Assess Your Coping Style

Think about a recent stressful situation that triggered a binging episode due to bulimia.

This could be a situation that was difficult to handle or perhaps something that was troubling you. You may have felt distressed about something that happened to you or you had to deal with something that required a considerable amount of effort. It could be a situation that has pushed you to binging on numerous occasions in the past.

Once you have an event in mind, assess your coping style by completing the exercise below: This will lead you on a path to understand how to defeat bulimia abandon binging and purging.

While keeping your stressful event in mind, read the list of strategies below and score them 0 – 3, ranking them in terms of how much you used them in that situation:


1. I did something that I didn’t think would work, but at least I was doing something.
2. I tried to get the person responsible to change his or her mind.
3. I slept more than usual or drank or smoked more.
4. I expressed anger to the person(s), who caused the problem.
5. I tried to make myself feel better by binging and later vomiting.
6. I took a big chance or did something very risky to solve a problem.
7. I stood my ground and fought for what I wanted.
8. I took it out on other people (partner, parent, friend etc).
9. I refused to believe that it had happened.
10. I had fantasies or wishes about how things might turn out.


  • Now add up your scores for questions: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7
  • Add up your scores for questions 3, 5, 8, 9 & 10

If your score is higher for the 1st group of questions, then you tend to favor “CONFRONTATIONAL COPING”.

Confrontational coping is typified by positive efforts to alter the situation and can involve some degree of aggression and risk-taking. This type of coping skill indicates that bulimia can be conquered, binging can be curtailed and bulimia healing can begin with a little less effort than coping using escape-avoidance.

If you scored higher on the 2nd group, then you are more likely to employ “ESCAPE-AVOIDANCE” as a coping mechanism.

Escape-avoidance is based on wishful thinking and efforts to escape or avoid a problem altogether.

Most bulimia sufferers tend to adopt an escape-avoidance coping style through binging and food abuse. Overcoming bulimia is generally not as easy as those that deal with matters confrontationally.

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