Announcement: Why Bulimia is a Struggle

Bulimia and Body Image

  • Do you want to make changes to your body?
  • Do you want to make changes to your eating habits to insure you are getting the proper nutrition?
  • Do you need to exercise more?

Almost everyone will answer yes to these questions. People who suffer with bulimia are no different than most other people in possessing a desire to improve themselves. The problem is that bulimics just need to adopt the right habits, which will enable them to feel happy about their body image. They need to learn where to go to find help that is right for them.

bulimics body image Our body is our home. It requires maintenance, repair and renewal to insure that it is fine-tuned and working properly to serve our physical, emotional and intellectual needs. It is impossible to move out of our bodies, so we need to maintain it properly. No one’s body is perfect. Even the most beautiful and physically attractive people have areas that they want to improve. The first lesson a bulimic must learn is that no one is perfect. The second lesson is to recognize that changes can be made to improve ourselves. Making changes to bulimia habits that are a cause of discontent is often difficult.

It is not an overnight process. It requires commitment, motivation, hard work and a recognition that it takes time to complete the change. The good news is that you can beat bulimia. Many have beaten bulimia. Large dramatic changes are possible and likely for someone that recognizes and celebrates each small change.

Bulimia and Self-esteem

Self-esteem cannot be put in a backpack or purse and be carried with us. It is a sense of worth that we have about ourselves. It is present in our minds and souls and can serve us well if it is healthy or cause significant pain if it needs maintenance or repair. Self-esteem is created through hard work and effort. It is a function of dedication, motivation and education. The more we learn about it, the better prepared we are to make the modifications necessary to insure that it is operating at peak efficiency. A strong image of oneself is vital to insure that each of us achieves our potential and are able to beat bulimia.

If your self-esteem is not satisfactory, it needs to be changed. The fact is that it can be changed and people that have adopted changes in their lifestyle have also noted that they feel more comfortable with themselves and their self-esteem has been improved substantially. They also find it much easier to beat bulimia.

The connection

Self-esteem and body image are inextricably linked. That means that they mutually support each other. A positive change in our view of our bodies will make a simultaneous positive change in our self worth and self-esteem. These changes also result in many additional benefits such as improved relationships, less stress, more efficient work, less troubling thoughts and a desire to stand up to bulimia rather than to seek shelter and hide from encounters.

The bulimia struggle and where to get help

The effects of bulimia make the struggle for change complicated. I said complicated, not impossible or even improbable. Education, instruction, coaching and mentoring are available to enable an individual to conquer the effects of bulimia. Abandoning bulimic behavior will result in a much more healthy and fulfilling life.

At we offer real life solutions to enable a bulimia sufferer to initiate the change that is necessary to improve body image, develop positive self-esteem, strengthen relationships and adopt healthy eating habits and exercise program to insure that we obtain the most joy that life can offer.

Learn about the different Bulimia Treatments

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